Today is about Kwon Su Jeong
- Kwon Su Jeong birth is on the 29 of September 1992.
- Her height is 176cm and weights 48kg!
- The blood type she has is O
- Kwon Su Jeong is also known as 'The Ice Princess' because she doesn't talk too much.
- She is a model and use to work under Style nanda, Funnywig, S-holic, Kiss-diary and Ccoaltong-girl.
- Kwon Su Jeong was once in a cast of Ulzzang Shidae 1 in 2009.
- She was also trained under avex in Japan for 2 years and 1 year and 6 months in Disney USA!
- Kwon Su Jeong is also the cousin of Snsd' Yuri.
- Her twitter is @Crystal__k
- Her Cyworld is kwonsu91
That's all I could get!
Hope you enjoy that my little fans!