Today is about Jung Hye Won
- Jung Hye Won birth is 30 August 1989.
- She owns a shopping mall called KIKISS
- She is 159cm in height and weighs 45kg.
- Her blood type is AB
- She can speak and read in Korean, Japanese and English. She can not type in English.
- Jung Hye Won is well known for her doll face.
- She had a relationship with Lee Jae Won.
- Jung Hye Won had plastic surgery on her bust.
- Her favourite band is TVXQ, JYJ, MBLAW and SHINee
- Her favourite singer is Kim Jaejoong from "JYJ"
- Jung Hye Won has a Yorkshire Terrier Dog name Trixxie.
That's all I could find!
Hope you enjoy that my little fans!